Dedicated Wireless

Nextera’s dedicated point-to-point microwave is for customers who require bandwidth higher than 6Mbs. Speeds of 10Mbps to 1Gbps are available utilizing both the licensed and the licensed-exempted spectrums with services available up to 12 miles with clear line of sign.

Similar to WiMax, Nextera’s dedicated wireless service can have multiple classes of service that prioritizes the voice traffic to provide a quality, robust and resilient connection for even the most time-sensitive of applications. WiMax is built on WLAN and IP-based connectivity with Quality of Service and Service Level Agreement capabilities, making WiMax an ideal access network for your next-generation voice and data services.


Did You Know?

54% of the small to mid-sized business owners believe VoIP would be more cost effective than their current system. This is true, particularly when you consider the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a VoIP system.