Payment Options

Nextera accepts payment with cash, check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover).

You can also pay via your MyNextera account (login here). You have the ability to make a one-time payment or establish recurring payments. (If you don't have a MyNextera account, please contact customer service at 877-639-8372 for alternate payment options.)

Alternatively, if you do not have a MyNextera account set up, please click here to make a payment via our Guest Pay site.

Note: You can receive your invoice via email! Contact Customer Service at toll free 877-639-8372 to learn more.


Understanding Your Bill


Important Billing Notes:
Local access and features charges for each line are billed one month in advance. Both access and feature charges are prorated for the actual number of days with active service. For instance, if your service has only been active for 10 days, you are billed the prorated amount (based on 10 days) plus one full month in advance. You are responsible for all long distance calls billed to your account, regardless of who placed the call. It is your responsibility to read your bill and verify accuracy.

T-1 Customers-How to Read Your Bill (pdf)




1. Date bill is sent.

2. Date bill is due.

3. Total amount due for charges on this statement (includes any prior unpaid balances).

4. Customer account number.

5. Summarizes the account activity for all recurring services and long distance calls (if applicable) for all accounts billed to this number, including total payments, regulated fees and applicable taxes.

6. Our website and customer service phone number(s).

7. Return this portion with payment in the envelope provided. Remittance portion includes:
- The payment due date
- Space to record teh amount enclosed
- Customer account number
- If a customer subscribes to the Auto Pay Plan, a messeage will appear in the area below the amount due field.

8. Send your payment to this address.

9. This area is for messages regarding your service, promotions and special product information.